Wholesale Enquiry

Interested in Becoming a Retailer?

Mudra offers a unique line of stamps, stencils and other paper crafting products to retailers who have a qualified physical or online store. We are committed in integrating creative ingenuity and exceptional quality into each product. Our products create timeless and elegant handmade cards, scrapbook layouts, Invites and altered art projects. If you want these results for you and your customers click here to get started today!

Sorry, no Etsy stores, eBay stores, buying groups, Facebook groups, travel-based businesses, selling at expos and/or trade shows. Selling via social media is also not permitted. Thank you for understanding.

If you are interested in setting up a wholesale account with Mudra, please fill the form with your business details or send an email to wholesale@varnas.in.
Thank you for your interest!

Wholesale Enquiry Form

    Business Name (required)

    Your Designation (required)

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